Management Meant Prayer

Did you know most top management spend one hour behind their desk every day praying. everything becomes so much to them, so overwhelming so over consuming that they are scared something is going to go wrong all the time or at least some of the time.

They want to know that they are in control when in fact they are getting God to do the work for them. That almighty spiritual being that sits up there in the heaven who has got the whole universe to worry about but is called down to them to handle their problems that they can't handle. Of course most of them do a pretty good job anyway and they would expect God to handle the things that they could not manage themselves anyway.

Which is only fair and reasonable because their putting in 10% extra time at work and instead of making a donation to the local charity they're more concerned that the people they are responsible for at looking at them instead of God themselves so that they get all the credit. Simple isn't it you just pray for everything to get done and it all happen perfectly. Of course God would be the perfect manager and not one other can live up to his reputation. I guess it really boils down to teamwork if I do the right thing. I can count on God to do the rest. If I'm giving 100% then God could have the day off. But since I pray for 120% gods working overtime with me. It's a bit of fun but prayer really does help sometimes. I mean surely you wouldn't bank more on a computer.