Buyers And Sellers

The market opens and people go shopping for goods, products and brands, stocks and companies competing for your doller and people trying to make money out of other people for their own personal gain. You want to get something for you money and buying and selling, otherwise known as logistics is the way to do it for a lot of people these days. From market gardens for food to op shops for second hand things of any type, to EBay for the same kind of thing online. Then  there is the stockmarket where shares are bought and sold at a high rate of doller vollumn and quantities purchased, all for a profit of somekind. Mind you people can lose out of it in the process to if they are not clever. You have to invest your money wsiely, in property and land to build houses and commercial estates on, to blocks of units and factories in industrial areas. People are buying and selling products all the time to build with and line there households with, drive cars on roads from dealers who want you to pay for the latest car on the market with their best model. In fact for every buyer there has to be a seller and visa versa, no good having things sit on shelves without an owner is there. Turnover is the name of the game and if you want to make a profit you need as many customers as you can get, and enough margin and shelf space available to put things on. But life does not stop there, the world goes on and around by spending money for some selfish desire or personal pleasure whether we have enough money or not. We just have to know when and where to stop sometimes and put our walllets or purses away and save some money for a rainey day, when you need that essential item for necessity rather than personal pleasure all the time, count the cost and pay the price for sure. Be sure that you need that essential item before you buy or spend. Of cource you can sell some of your treasued possessions if you like and need money for other things. Take a moment to pray to God and ask Him for what you need and He will see that you get it when you need it and whenever you require something for helping the world rather than yourself all the time. Your money can help someone live rather than die sometimes, saving life is always better than saving money you know. Of course we have to have something for ourselves and we are considered silly if we don't have enough money for ourselves. Once we have got enough money though, think about someone or anyone else for that matter, that you might be able to help sometime and somewhere with a little bit of money for them to live as well. Buying and selling is indeed the name of the game, but helping others can be that unseen force that is even more helpful or essential. Love conquers evil you know, money is the route of all evil, though money can do a lot of good from the right hands, giving and showing love wins everytime, try it for once if you have not and give a little money away for free if you can.